To Blog or Not to Blog

When I decided to set up my website I had to answer the question, "to blog or not to blog?" Blogging is not new, it's been around for 25 years, and comes in many forms. Nothing like being late to the party! But for me, the answer to that question ended up being yes for this reason - I'm a writer, and writers should write every chance they get.

This is not a themed blog, rather it is my musings on life - things I love, things I've experienced, memories, the craft and profession of writing, my publishing journey (a girl can dream, right?) As Prince, one of my favorite musicians, said, "We are gathered here today to get through this thing called "life." And what a life it is, in all its glorious peculiarity!

Some of the posts might bore you, but I hope most often they entertain you, educate you, make you laugh, cringe, or smile - and maybe you'll find you can relate to my experiences in some way.

I’m likely to make some mistakes along the way, so bear with me. Right now I'm planning to post a new blog entry every other week. If there's a lot going on I may post more often - we'll see how it goes. But if you're reading this, you have the distinction of reading the first thing I ever published on the Internet, and for that, you have my thanks.

What I'm reading: All Good People Here, by Ashley Flowers

What I'm watching: Tulsa King

What I'm looking forward to: Local author Sarah Penner's book launch

Stacy Duffield