Stacy Duffield

Frequently Asked Questions

a little more about me


where does your inspiration come from?

I have always been curious and I love learning. Those two things combine for endless inspiration. When I see or read something that sparks an idea, I have a million questions and want to know more. Never satisfied with just a headline or a summary, I like to dive deep into a topic and educate myself. A penchant for details and research also serves me well.

When and where do you write?

Writers are an interesting lot - we have to find what works for us without a prescribed schedule and often with competing priorities. The larks are up at dawn writing away before they start their day, but that is not me. I write in the early afternoon, setting aside some dedicated time each day for my works-in-progress, and then I often pick it up again late at night. Unlike the lark, us night owls often find our creative juices flowing when others are sleeping!

What do you read?

I read widely across genres. In fiction I gravitate towards mystery, thriller and suspense, contemporary fiction, and historical fiction. In non-fiction, I like true crime, memoir and autobiography, and self help. In the latter, there is a vicarious satisfaction in reading about other peoples lives, challenges, and triumphs, and the former is just plain entertaining.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

Authors repeating on my Kindle include Mary Burton, Harlan Coben, Diana Gabaldon, Lisa Gardner, Kerry Lonsdale, Gregg Olsen, Sarah Penner and Lisa Unger. Do you have an author you’re passionate about? Drop me a note and tell me about them. Maybe I already read them, or maybe you’ll help me discover something new.

What’s it like being a born-and-raised Midwesterner living in Florida?

It’s fabulous! Appreciated in the way only someone who has lived through many long, bitterly cold winters can. I highly recommend it!